Upload your products and inventory information to Amazon

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Ways of synchronize with Amazon

Upload your product catalog

Configuring product details and categories mapping in our platform is the key to successfully uploading your product catalog information to Amazon. The process allows you to map your individual products' specifics such as title, brand, price, image, etc to each Amazon category or sub-category that specifies what type of product you are selling. Not only does it make it easy for customers to find the right product in a short amount of time, but it also helps Amazon manage their inventory more efficiently.

Quantity synchronization

Keeping accurate inventory information is crucial for success on Amazon markets. With the ever-changing world of online retail, it's important to stay organized and be ready when an opportunity presents itself. Staying up-to-date with your current stock levels and product details helps ensure you can respond quickly when a customer places an order or request information about your product. When working with Amazon, making sure your inventory information is updated regularly is the key to being successful.

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